How to Deal with an Insurance Adjuster

how to deal with an insurance adjuster

Key Takeaways:

Insurance adjusters for homes and vehicles have different types of expertise but are basically responsible for the same thing — valuating your property’s damage and issuing compensation based on your coverage.Being prepared with the event information, details, estimates, and knowledge of your insurance coverage can help you during the claims process.We offer 12 steps to help you negotiate with your insurance adjuster as you work towards a fair and equitable settlement for your property.

You hope you never have to use your insurance or deal with an insurance adjuster, but invariably something happens that creates exactly that situation. When it does, you want to be prepared and to understand the ups and downs of working with an insurance adjuster to get your property restored to its full potential.

In the intricate world of insurance claims, knowing how to effectively communicate and negotiate with an insurance adjuster can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim.

Let’s delve into the nuances of dealing with different types of insurance adjusters, providing practical advice for those navigating home and auto insurance claims. Whether you’re facing the aftermath of a car accident or managing a home insurance claim, we offer insightful strategies to ensure you’re well-equipped for successful negotiations with your insurance adjuster.

Understanding Different Types of Insurance Adjusters

Insurance Adjuster, Public Adjuster, and Independent Adjuster

Navigating the world of insurance claims can be daunting, especially when different types of adjusters come into play.

The insurance adjuster, typically employed by your insurance company, is responsible for assessing the damage and determining the amount the insurance company will pay. On the other hand, a public adjuster, whom you can hire independently, advocates on your behalf to ensure you receive a fair settlement.

You may also hear about independent adjusters. They are third-party professionals hired by insurance companies to handle claims, particularly during high-demand periods such as after natural disasters like hurricanes or wildfires.

Home Insurance Adjusters and Auto Insurance Adjusters — A Comparison

The world of insurance claims can be daunting, especially when dealing with insurance adjusters. These professionals play a crucial role in determining the outcome of your claim, making it essential to approach these interactions with knowledge and confidence.

Whether you have damage to your home or your vehicle determines the type of adjuster you will be working with and understanding the role and expertise of each type of adjuster will help you effectively negotiate your claim.

Home insurance adjusters and auto insurance adjusters have different areas of expertise and responsibilities, although their core function is similar. Here’s a breakdown of the differences:

Area of Expertise:

Home Insurance Adjusters specialize in property insurance, dealing with damage to homes and properties. This includes understanding building engineering and materials, construction processes, and costs related to home repair.

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Auto Insurance Adjusters focus on automobile damages. They need to have a working knowledge of different vehicle models, repair techniques, and the costs associated with vehicle repair, both mechanical and aesthetics.

Types of Claims:

Home Insurance Adjusters: Handle claims related to property damage due to events like fires, storms, theft, or water damage. They assess damage to structures, personal belongings, and sometimes deal with temporary housing costs for policyholders.

Auto Insurance Adjusters: Deal with claims resulting from traffic accidents, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters affecting vehicles. Their assessments include vehicle repair or replacement costs.

Inspection and Assessment:

Home Insurance Adjusters: Conduct on-site inspections of damaged properties, assessing structural damage and potential repair needs. They often interact with contractors and assess additional living expenses if the home is uninhabitable.

Auto Insurance Adjusters: Inspect damaged vehicles, either at the accident site, in a garage, or at a tow yard. They estimate repair costs, determine if a car is a total loss, and sometimes handle medical claim aspects related to the accident.

Negotiation and Settlement:

Home and Auto Insurance Adjusters: Both types negotiate settlements with policyholders, but the context differs. Home adjusters might negotiate with homeowners and contractors, while auto adjusters negotiate with vehicle owners, auto repair shops, and sometimes with other involved parties in an accident.

Regulatory Knowledge:

Home Insurance Adjusters: To be an effective home insurance adjuster, it’s important to be familiar with local building codes, site-specific HOAs, and all related federal, state, and municipal regulations.

Auto Insurance Adjusters: Need to understand state and federal automotive laws and regulations, including those related to liability and fault in accidents.

Training and Certification:

Home Insurance Adjusters: Often require more extensive knowledge of construction and property valuation.

Auto Insurance Adjusters: Require knowledge specific to automotive repair and valuation.

While both types of adjusters assess and manage insurance claims, their expertise and the specifics of their job are tailored to the type of insurance they handle—property for home insurance adjusters and vehicles for auto insurance adjusters.

Preparing for the First Meeting with Your Insurance Adjuster

The initial meeting with your insurance adjuster is a pivotal moment in your claims process.

Preparation is key. Ensure you have a thorough understanding of your policy and its coverage.

For home insurance, be sure to document all damage with photos and detailed notes, as well as receipts for hotels, meals, etc., if you have been displaced. It’s also wise to have repair estimates from reputable contractors ready. Most insurance companies won’t even consider estimates from a relative or friend in the construction business.

After a car accident, start by gathering all necessary documents, including the accident report from the police, witness statements, and photographic evidence of the damage. Be prepared to discuss the accident details factually and without speculation when you meet with your adjuster.

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Understanding the extent of your coverage, such as rental car provisions, loss of use provisions, and deductible amounts, will also help in these discussions. Remember, it’s important to remain calm and collected, even if negotiations become challenging.

Regardless of the type of claim, home or auto, this meeting is your opportunity to present your case clearly and comprehensively. Be honest, but firm in your expectations, and don’t hesitate to ask questions to clarify any uncertainties.

While it certainly isn’t mandatory, you may want to have a third party person available during the discussion to make sure you don’t miss any details. That person can be a family member, friend, or an attorney, as long as it’s someone you trust.

Strategies for Negotiating with Insurance Adjusters

Negotiating with insurance adjusters is part art, part science. It’s essential to understand the adjuster’s perspective: they are looking to settle claims efficiently and within policy limits.

To negotiate effectively, start by establishing a good rapport. Be courteous yet assertive. Clearly communicate your understanding of the policy and your expectations. Don’t accept the first offer if it doesn’t meet your needs. Instead, present your counteroffer with supporting evidence, such as repair estimates and expert opinions.

To break it down, here are 12 steps to effective communication and negotiation with an insurance adjuster that can be a crucial guide when trying to ensure a fair settlement for your claim:

Understand the Adjuster’s Role — Recognize that the insurance adjuster’s job is to settle the claim efficiently and within policy limits. They are often bound by company policies and guidelines and must reach a settlement that meets their company’s approval.Be Prepared and Organized — Before engaging with the adjuster, gather all relevant documents such as police reports, medical records, repair estimates, and any evidence of damages or losses. Being organized demonstrates seriousness and helps you present your case clearly.Communicate Clearly and Professionally — Use clear, concise language when discussing your claim. Avoid emotional or confrontational language and remember, professionalism goes a long way in establishing a positive working relationship.Be Honest and Consistent — Always provide factual and consistent information about the event that caused the damage to your home or vehicle. Exaggerating or misrepresenting facts can jeopardize your claim.Understand Your Policy — Familiarize yourself with the terms and coverage limits of your insurance policy. How much is your deductible? Have you had other claims or occurrences within the last year or two? If you know what is covered and what is not, it can help you negotiate much more effectively.Don’t Accept the First Offer — First offers are often starting points for negotiation. If you feel the offer is too low, it’s acceptable to make a counteroffer. Provide justification for why you believe your claim is worth more.Use Emotional Intelligence — Be empathetic and try to understand the adjuster’s position while also expressing how the situation has impacted you. This can create a more cooperative environment. Being argumentative only damages your position.Document Everything — Keep records of all communications, including dates, times, and summaries of conversations. Written correspondence, estimates, and adjuster reports are valuable in maintaining a record of the negotiation process.Know When to Escalate — If negotiations are not progressing, consider involving a supervisor or seeking the assistance of a professional, such as a lawyer or a public adjuster.Stay Calm and Patient — Insurance negotiations can be lengthy and frustrating. Staying calm and patient can help maintain a constructive dialogue and prevent unnecessary conflicts.Seek Professional Advice — If the negotiation becomes complex, consider consulting with an attorney or a professional claims handler. They can provide expert guidance and representation.Understand the Settlement Process — Be clear about how the settlement will be paid and any actions you need to take — and make sure the final agreement is in writing.

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Remember, negotiation is a process, and effective communication is key. Being prepared, patient, and professional can significantly impact the outcome of your insurance claim negotiation.

Securing a Fair Settlement — Your Rights and Next Steps

Securing a fair settlement often requires persistence. If negotiations reach a stalemate, consider involving a public adjuster who can offer expertise and negotiation skills. It’s also important to be aware of the time limits for filing and resolving claims as per your policy and state laws.

If you feel your claim is being unjustly denied or underpaid, you have the right to file a complaint with your state’s insurance commissioner. In extreme cases, legal action may be necessary, but this should be considered as a last resort.

Handling Disagreements and Seeking Help

If you disagree with the adjuster’s assessment, you can request a second opinion or escalate the issue within the insurance company. Also, don’t forget your insurance agent. They can be a great resource during the negotiation process. Your agent wants to keep your insurance business once the claim is resolved, so they are motivated to help you negotiate a fair settlement.

In cases where the dispute remains unresolved, seeking professional help from a lawyer or a public adjuster might be necessary.


Dealing with insurance adjusters requires a balance of assertiveness, knowledge, and effective communication. By preparing adequately, understanding your policy, and being aware of negotiation dynamics, you can navigate these interactions confidently and ensure your interests are well represented. Insurance claims can be complex, but understanding how to effectively deal with insurance adjusters is a crucial skill that can lead to more favorable outcomes.

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About Kathryn Morstad

Kathryn has a background as a small business owner and currency trader. Kathryn also enjoyed a career as a Regional Director and COO in healthcare, specializing in operations, third-party insurance reimbursement, and revenue cycle management.