7 Things to Look for When Shopping for Online Life Insurance

Image of camera lens focusing on mountain lake for Quotacy blog Things to Look for When Shopping Online for Life Insurance.

4) Works with Multiple Reputable Carriers

If you work with an agent that sells products from one life insurance carrier, you won’t get as many options as you would if you worked with a company that has access to multiple carriers. Each life insurance company follows different guidelines when underwriting applicants.

The life insurance industry is very competitive and to remain competitive some carriers choose to cater to certain impairments.

While Insurance Company A declined an applicant who flies a single-engine plane on weekends for fun, Insurance Company B decided to approve his application.

This happens often. There are thousands of different risk factors underwritten by insurance companies. It’s to your benefit to apply through a firm that has access to multiple carriers.

Quotacy is a broker and works with over 25 of the nation’s top insurance companies. Your agent will work hard to find you affordable coverage.

» Learn more: Why You Might Not Have the Best Term Life Insurance Rates

While having many options is a nice benefit, it’s equally as important to make sure the insurance company you choose is reputable.

The financial strength of a life insurance company is extremely important because it’s the estimate of their likelihood to be able to pay its financial obligations, e.g. paying your beneficiaries your planned death benefit.

The companies are rated on an A-F scale, just like your school papers, with A ratings being the best. Quotacy only works with A rated (or better) life insurance companies and will shop your application around to find you the best policy for your needs.

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5) Honest Reviews

Today you can buy almost anything online. This is great for consumers because companies know they need to step up their products and customer service, or else the unhappy buyer will find a way to tell the world of their negative experience in the online community.

I’m sure you have read at least one online review before purchasing something. Reviews are honest feedback, not just a marketed sales pitch.

Many Quotacy customers have reviewed their experience with us through Trustpilot, an online review community. We are proud of our reviews and work extremely hard to go above-and-beyond for our customers and our “Excellent” rating reflects that.

6) Easy-to-Understand Language

The life insurance industry has been around for hundreds of years and has developed its own language and lingo. It’s easy for life insurance professionals to get caught up speaking that language with customers, and we know it’s not always easily understood.

One of our missions is to cut through those word codes and use language that is easily understandable and clear so you know exactly what you’re buying and that it’s a good fit for you.

7) Agent from Start to Finish and Beyond

Have you ever called a company only to be bounced around from person to person? It gets frustrating.

At Quotacy, you are our priority from the moment you enter our website and beyond. Purchasing your life insurance policy through us means we are your agent for any questions and concerns you may ever have, we don’t just give you a quote and then pass you onto someone else.

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» Calculate: Life insurance needs calculator