7 Things to Have on Hand Before Getting Snowed In

Use This Checklist to Get Prepared
Before the Next Time You’re Snowed In!
Winter weather can be brutal – especially in New York State
where snowfall can average up to ten feet annually. Snow can make traveling unsafe,
and sometimes even impossible. Enough snow can leave you stranded in your home for days and it’s important to be prepared ahead of time. Here
are seven items you should keep on hand in preparation for a big storm.
A Flashlight
and Batteries
Whether you find yourself in the middle of a power
outage or are just working on home
improvements, flashlights are a convenient and necessary tool to
have on hand. During a heavy
snowstorm there is always the possibility of losing power. You’ll want
to be sure you have a stock of new batteries stored nearby. Batteries should be stored in their original packaging
or in a plastic container, as loose rolling batteries can become combustible. It’s important to know batteries can also cause
damage to your equipment if they were to leak or corrode. It’s best to remove batteries and store them
separately when you are done using them.
Extra Blankets
If you’re caught in a winter-weather
related power outage, there’s a good chance that means temperatures will be
low! It’s a good idea to keep extra blankets on hand in case you are unable to heat your house.
You might consider investing in a gas-powered space heater or backup generator for the same
If you or someone in your family takes
recurring prescription medications, it’s a good idea to make sure that you are
up to date on refills. In the event of a snowstorm, it
may be more difficult to get to the pharmacy for a refill.
When roads are closed due to bad weather or you find yourself
snowed in, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to pick up food. It’s a good idea to have a supply of at least three to five days’
worth of non-perishable groceries stored in a cool, dry area of your home. It’s
important that these items are in fact non-perishable. Otherwise, the food may not be edible as you would not have access to a working microwave,
stove, or refrigerator during a power outage. It’s also important to know that you
should never attempt to cook food indoors using a charcoal or portable gas
grill, as these should only ever be used outdoors, and inhaling
the fumes can be fatal.
PRO TIP: Keep a non-electric can opener handy. Since many
non-perishable food items come in cans, you’ll want to make sure you can open
Pet Food
and Supplies
This is something that can be overlooked in the event of an
emergency. Ensure that your fury
friends will be well taken care of by keeping an
extra stash of pet food and supplies set aside for emergencies. It’s important
to remember to rotate your stash out every few months to prevent the food from going bad or stale.
A Cell
Phone with a Portable Charger
Having a means of communication is important in any type of
emergency. Today, many people have
access to cell phones and an internet connection, but if the power
goes out and your cell
phone isn’t charged – it won’t be of much use to
you. It’s a good idea to keep a portable charger on hand in case of emergency.
You might also consider investing in a battery-powered
radio as a backup method of communication.
A Water Supply
You will want to keep a relatively large
amount of water stored in your home. In situations where you are
snowed in, there is a chance that your pipes may freeze due to the extreme cold. It’s important to know that
water should not be stored in plastic bottles or jugs long term, as chemicals
in plastic that can leak into your water overtime, leaving it unsafe to drink. You might consider purchasing containers
specifically designed to store water over long periods of time.
Alternatively, you can rotate out your supply regularly.
Being prepared ahead of time for winter weather can mean the difference between an inconvenience and
an emergency. Another way to prepare for an imminent snowstorm is knowing how to prevent and repair frozen pipes. Click the
link below to learn more!