7 Reasons Why You Should Go Paperless

7 Reasons Why You Should Go Paperless

The average American is no stranger to junk mail piling up in their mailbox. Amidst all the credit card offers, coupons, political ads, and other promotional materials, there are sometimes important documents – such as bills or urgent correspondences that warrant your response – that can slip through the cracks.


The effect that mailing paper in bulk has on our environment is real: 5.6 million tons of junk mail end up in landfills each year, according to New York University. Fortunately, many companies today offer digital services that allow customers to go paperless and receive important communications such as bill reminders and account notifications instantly on a personal device.


Whether it’s with your insurance provider, financial institution, healthcare establishment, or another service provider, going paperless can offer convenience and have measurable benefits on the environment. Continue reading to learn 7 reasons to go paperless and to view a tutorial on how you can start with NYCM Insurance!


Reduce Paper in the Waste Stream

Of all the municipal solid waste processed in the United States in 2018, nearly a quarter is comprised of paper and cardboard, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In the same year, the recycling rate for paper was just 68.2 percent.

While we can do our best to recycle our paper, with so much paper already floating in the waste stream, it’s most effective to remove it from the equation entirely where possible. Going paperless will reduce the amount of paper that is produced and distributed, and also reduce the amount that could end up in a landfill.

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Take Advantage of the Reliability of Digital Communications

When important documents are sent through the mail, there can sometimes be concern around whether the mail will reach its destination in a timely manner.

By going paperless, enrolling in eBilling, and managing your account electronically, you can rest assured that there is a centralized location for important notices and documents that can be accessed anywhere there is internet connection.

Easily Track and Document Payments

Finding important documents in the mail amidst all the unsolicited offerings can sometimes be like finding a needle in a haystack. And when you are dealing with sending payments in the mail, it can be tough to keep tabs on different due dates and the status of your account as it takes time to process.

Going paperless and enrolling in eBilling can allow you to view all of your payment history in one place, including due dates and acknowledgments that payments have been received, giving you peace of mind in real time.

Receive Instant Account Notifications on Your Device

By agreeing to receive communications digitally instead of through the mail, you will receive important information related to your accounts instantly on your personal device.  Receiving swift communications will help you stay informed in a convenient way, while cutting out unnecessary paper from the waste stream.

More Security, Less Shredding

When it’s time to dispose of documents that contain sensitive information, it can be a hassle to make sure it’s done properly and in a way that ensures the security of your personal information.

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By going paperless, all of your sensitive documents will be password protected online. Remember to always use best practices and update your passwords regularly to ensure your accounts remain secure.

Reduce Paper Clutter in Your Home

When you receive sensitive documents in paper form, you may tend to hold onto them longer than you need to.

Over time this can lead you to own a clutter of documents, which can be difficult and tedious to organize. Reduce clutter in your home and become more organized by making use of electronic options and taking advantage of the digital space.

Feel the Fulfillment of Going Green!

Any time you choose to go paperless, you are doubling down on your commitment not to introduce unnecessary paper to the waste stream. Although it may seem a small step, as more people choose to go paperless, the amount of single use paper can be reduced, and the sustainability of our forests improved.

As U.S. consumers are continuing to request more digital offerings due to the added convenience, many companies are offering opportunities to receive electronic communications. Watch the video above to learn how you can go paperless and enroll in eBill and ePolicy with NYCM Insurance!