5 Important Emergency Life-Saving Tips You Should Know

An emergency will take you by surprise and will require some quick thinking. You will need to react quickly to get things under control. If someone gets severely injured, time is of the essence. With a little training, you will know what to do in any situation and may actually play an integral role in saving someone’s life.

Here are five important emergency life-saving tips that you need to be aware of.

Take a CPR/First Aid/AED class

The American Heart Association offers an in-depth CPR/First Aid/AED course that will teach you basic first aid and life-saving skills you can rely on to help a person in distress. Having the skills you need to offer assistance in an emergency will allow you to keep the person calm and stable until paramedics arrive.

Never Move Someone Who’s Been Injured

If someone has been injured and you are unsure of the extent of their injuries,  do NOT move them! If a person has an unknown head or neck injury, any movement can lead to permanent damage in terms of chronic pain or even irreversible paralysis. In such situations, make the victim as comfortable as possible where they are and render care as best you can until paramedics arrive.

Stop Bleeding as Quickly as Possible

Whenever you see a bleeding injury, your first concern should be to slow or stop blood flow. The first step is to apply direct pressure either to the wound or to the area just above or in the direction toward the heart. Once pressure is applied, elevate the injury so that it is higher than the heart. In the past, applying a tourniquet used to be the primary protocol. Now, tourniquets are considered to be the last option only to be used in dire emergencies.

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Use Back Blows for Choking

In the past, if a person started to choke, the initial response was to do the Heimlich maneuver. Today, healthcare professionals recommend using back blows before attempting to use the Heimlich maneuver. Five back blows with the heel of the hand delivered between the shoulder blades while a person is bent slightly forward will, in most cases, dislodge an object that is blocking the airway.

Have Baby Aspirin Close By

It has been proven that a baby aspirin will help slow the progression of a heart attack. After calling 911, have your loved one chew a baby aspirin. Chewing it will allow it to break down much faster and make its way into the bloodstream, where it can slow down the clotting process.

Emergencies can happen at any time and knowing how to respond during one can mean the difference between life and death. Meanwhile, it is also a good idea to carry the right life insurance policy. Talk to the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency today to get started on your tailored coverage that can help your family through the toughest of times.

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