IAG examines motor and property repairs performance in Australia
Insurance Australia Group (IAG) has published the latest edition of its annual quality report, which outlines the results...
Insurance Australia Group (IAG) has published the latest edition of its annual quality report, which outlines the results...
A 2016 Treasury report found that 85% of homes across New Zealand were under-insured by an average of 30%, with...
More accessible and convenient insurance The first product launched under the new partnership is TechCare Me, a unique accident product...
“Very risky housing” "We've got a small group of insurers who, I think, are probably acting pretty responsibly at the...
Strengths of robust operating model AIA Group chief executive and president Lee Yuan Siong credited the strengths of “AIA’s robust...
She delivered this message during her a keynote address at the Insurtech Insights Europe 2023 summit in London last week....
She delivered this message during her a keynote address at the Insurtech Insights Europe 2023 summit in London last week....
Unfortunately, many people who experience endometriosis symptoms may not discuss them with their health care providers for a long time....
Progression at Tower In 1995, Turner was presented with a claims team leader post in Auckland under Tower’s FinTel brand....
The Florida insurance market continues to experience turmoil. Here are the top three trends insurtech companies are driving that could...